Current Position: US Senator of OH 8th District since 2016
Affiliation: Republican
Former Position: US Army officer from 1988 – 2016
District: west side of Ohio, bordering Indiana. The cities of Hamilton, Fairfield, Middletown, Springfield, Eaton, Greenville, Piqua, and Troy are part of the district.
Upcoming Election:
Before entering politics, he was an officer in United States Army special operations and led his family’s manufacturing business. Davidson served as chairman of the Dayton Region Manufacturers Association, an industry trade group. From 2004 to 2005, he served on the Concord Township, Ohio, Board of Trustees.
Featured Quote:
I am Warren Davidson. I love this country with a soldier’s passion. It is an honor to continue representing #OH08 in Congress. Thank you!
Right now our language for cryptocurrency is ‘sloppy’, says Congressman Warren Davidson
OnAir Post: Warren Davidson OH-08
Source: Government page
Warren Davidson represents Ohio’s 8th Congressional District. He is a member of the House Financial Services Committee, where he is focused on policies that help grow our economy, instill fiscal discipline, advance innovation, and limit runaway government expansion that threatens to bankrupt America.
After high school, Congressman Davidson enlisted in the Army as an infantryman. As part of the 3rd Infantry Division, he was stationed in Germany and witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall. Warren’s commanding officers recognized his potential and helped him earn an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. He graduated near the top of his class as a student of American history and mechanical engineering. As an officer, he led in The Old Guard, the 75th Ranger Regiment, and the 101st Airborne Division.
After the Army, Congressman Davidson returned home, worked with his father, earned an MBA from the University of Notre Dame, and spent fifteen years owning and operating manufacturing companies in Ohio. In 2016, he again responded to the call of service, and came to work in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Warren and his wife Lisa have been married for 24 years and have two adult children.
Full Name: Warren Davidson
Gender: Male
Family: Wife: Lisa; 2 Children: Zachary, Rachel
Birth Date: 03/01/1970
Birth Place: Sidney, OH
Home City: Troy, OH
Religion: Christian
Source: Vote Smart
MBA, University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business, 2003-2005
BS, American History, United States Military Academy at West Point, 1991-1995
Political Experience
Representative, United States House of Representatives, Ohio, District 8, 2016-present
Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Ohio, District 8, 2022
Professional Experience
Founder, Factory Techs, 2008-present
Founder, Yasotay, 2007-present
President, Global Source Manufacturing, 2002-2015
Managing Director, RK Metals, 2014-2015
Managing Director, West Troy, 2000-2015
Served, United States Army, 1995-2000
Washington D.C. Office
1107 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6205
Troy Office
20 Dotcom Drive
Troy, OH 45373
Phone: (937)-339-1524
West Chester Office
8857 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd.
Suite #102
West Chester, OH 45069
Phone: (513) 779-5400
Springfield Office
76 E. High Street
3rd Floor
Springfield, OH 45502
Phone: (937)322-1120
Email: Government
Web Links
Source: none
Election Results
To learn more, go to this wikipedia section in this post.
Source: Open Secrets
The House Financial Services Committee has jurisdiction over issues pertaining to the economy, the banking system, housing, insurance, and securities and exchanges. Additionally, the Committee also has jurisdiction over monetary policy, international finance, international monetary organizations, and efforts to combat terrorist financing.
The Committee oversees the Nation’s economy through its oversight of the Federal Reserve Board and individual reserve banks, the Treasury, the production and distribution of currency, and the Nation’s capital markets.
Agencies under oversight by the Committee include: the Federal Reserve, Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Credit Union Administration, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and the Export-Import Bank.
- Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, Chairman
- Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion, Vice Chairman
House Foreign Affairs Committee
The House Foreign Affairs Committee considers legislation that impacts the diplomatic community, which includes the Department of State, the Agency for International Development (USAID), the Peace Corps, the United Nations, and the enforcement of the Arms Export Control Act.
The Committee has legislative jurisdiction over issues relating to national security, strategic planning, democracy, and public diplomacy. The Committee also oversees war powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces. The House Foreign Affairs Committee may conduct oversight with respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Committee as defined in the Rules of the House of Representatives.
The Republican Study Committee (RSC) exists to bring like-minded House members together to promote a strong, principled legislative agenda that will limit government, strengthen our national defense, boost America’s economy, preserve traditional values and balance our budget.
The RSC provides the tools and research that members of Congress need to craft and advance policies that will benefit the American people. It also provides a forum for like-minded members to join together to support common causes and challenge the status quo. By doing so, the RSC ensures that conservatives have a powerful voice on every issue coming before the House, whether it is the economy, health care, defense, social safety net reform, or Washington’s dangerous, out-of-control spending.
The House Freedom Caucus gives a voice to countless Americans who feel that Washington does not represent them. We support open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote the liberty, safety, and prosperity of all Americans.
- Second Amendment Caucus
The Second Amendment Caucus seeks to preserve the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.
The Steel Caucus works to ensure the views of America’s steel industry and workers are represented.
- Warrior Caucus
The Warrior Caucus consists of veterans and seeks to ensure the viewpoint of former members of the military are incorporated into legislation.
- Values Action Team
Members of the Value Action Team work together to advance traditional values based on faith, family, and freedom.
The Army Caucus’ goal is to “educate our colleagues on Army needs and advocate for them in the legislative and appropriations process.”
Serves as founder and Chairman of the Sound Money Caucus to educate members and advocate for policies that preserve money as a stable store of value, efficient means of exchange, and immutable record of account.
- Liberty Caucus
Serves as Chairman of the House Liberty Caucus to educate members and advocate for more freedom, less government, and sound money.
New Legislation
learn more about legislation sponsored and co-sponsored by Congressman Warren Davidson.In addition,
Source: Government page
Every dollar the United States government spends in debt is a dollar stolen from the next generation. Our current national debt stands at nearly $20 trillion. That’s over $60,000 per citizen and over $165,000 per taxpayer.
While liberals in Washington only want to raise taxes, the fact is we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. The United States Government took in a record $3.2 trillion in FY 2015. That is more than enough money to accomplish everything the government is charged with under the Constitution. Unfortunately, spending continues to grow and grow, blowing away historical norms and only accelerating faster in the years to come.
This is simple math, and it is unsustainable. Unfortunately, there are too many “math deniers” in Washington. This has to change.
I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution when I enlisted in the Army and again when I was sworn into Congress. I take this oath very seriously. I am concerned with recent infringements on the Constitution, especially the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments. And the Constitution is more than just the Bill of Rights — it also lays out the enumerated powers of the federal government, and particularly Article I, Section 8, which lays out the powers of Congress. Too often Congress passes laws that go well beyond the authorities listed in the Constitution. Finally, the Constitution lays all legislative powers in the Congress, yet too often the president has violated this fundamental concept though lawless, unilateral executive actions. That must end.
America is exceptional in that it is the only nation founded on principles, not a territorial or ethnic identity. So long as we stand by the principles enshrined in our Constitution, we will continue to thrive as a nation.
I will not vote for any law that is not constitutionally justified. Protecting the Constitution is not something that can be just left to the Supreme Court to decide. Every branch of government has an equal responsibility to uphold the Constitution. If the Supreme Court or president ever veer off this course, it is the job of Congress to counterbalance them.
There is no way to tax the economy to growth.
Our tax system is burdensome, complex, and administered by an out-of-control IRS. Big businesses and the well connected hire high-priced lawyers, accountants, and lobbyists to game the system, while everyday Americans and small businesses are left footing the bill. Meanwhile, we live in an increasingly competitive global environment, where our competitors are gaining an ever-increasing market share.
We need fundamental tax reform that lowers rates, simplifies the system, and eliminates special interest breaks and loopholes.
Since the great recession, the economy produced only anemic economic growth. This isn’t the fault of Americans, who are the hardest working people in the world. It’s the fault of our tax system which encourages companies to move overseas to remain competitive.
Our tax code should be a competitive advantage to business based in the United States. The American economy is being held back by our antiquated tax code. Once it is reformed, our economy will flourish again.
Health Care
Our healthcare system is broken and Obamacare has only made it worse. We were promised lower costs, increased access, and the ability to keep our doctor. None of these proved true. Instead, we received the opposite, along with increased taxes. I have opposed this massive takeover of our healthcare since day one.
Ohio and our district have been hit especially hard by the bad effects of Obamacare. Our state exchanges no longer offer preferred provider organization (PPO) plans due to prohibitive costs. Nationally, private insurance providers are fleeing the marketplace because they cannot afford to comply with regulations and keep prices down.
For our healthcare crisis, we have to first stop the bleeding. We must repeal Obamacare.
Next, we must replace it with a patient-focused healthcare system. We must do this in a responsible and open process. We cannot afford to pass thousand page bills with the mentality that “we have to pass it to find out what is in it.”
Republicans have proposed three replacements so far. You can read more about them at these links:
Republican Study Committee Plan
Paul Ryan’s “Better Way” Plan
HHS Secretary Tom Price Plan
Creating a patient-focused healthcare system can be done by allowing the free-market to compete. Americans should be allowed to purchase insurance across state lines. Businesses should be permitted to pool together to increase their bargaining power on behalf of their employees. Innovation should be encouraged so that the United States remains the world’s leader in medical breakthroughs. Reforms like these will make insurers and providers compete with one another to provide Americans with the highest quality services at the lowest possible prices.
Perhaps most of all, we must protect the weakest among us, the unborn. No healthcare plan worthy of the name kills unborn babies. No federal funds should go to any medical procedure that intentionally ends the life of a person.
I wholeheartedly oppose amnesty and illegal immigration. America is a nation built on the rule of law. Rewarding those who break our laws undermines what makes America great — and indeed undermines the very reason so many want to come to our country in the first place. Amnesty serves as a magnet for those wanting to enter our country illegally and an affront to those who have followed our nation’s immigration laws.
First, we must secure our border and stop the flow of illegal immigrants. This is non-negotiable. We must prioritize resources for strengthening security at our borders, including funding for increased land, sea, and air surveillance and beefing up Customs and Border Patrol. Without secure borders, we risk new waves of illegal immigration, an influx of drugs and crime, and most dangerously, potential terrorists who seek to take advantage of our lax border enforcement.
Next, we must end perverse incentives that make the illegal immigration problems worse. Birthright citizenship and funding for sanctuary cities must be ended.
America is the land of opportunity. We must keep it that way.
Our veterans put their lives on the line to protect America. As a former Army Ranger, I believe our country has a solemn obligation to our veterans. Unfortunately, right now we are failing them.
The current state of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is an insult to our veterans. While many do receive care in an honorable fashion. Others are neglected or receive subpar care. The congressional response to the scandals in VA care has been more money. This has only treated the symptoms, not the cause of the problems.
My first bill, the Lead by Example Act, would put members of Congress and their staff on VA provided healthcare. This will spurn the solution to the VA crisis – prolonged and intense Congressional scrutiny. When healthcare for our veterans is good enough for members of Congress, we know we have made right on our commitment as a nation to care for our veterans.
Pro-Life and Family Issues
Life begins at conception, and we must do all we can to protect it from that moment on.
A majority of Americans are pro-life, yet the Supreme Court has declared abortion a fundamental right, and our government subsidizes abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. I will do all I can in Congress to make the case for life, roll back Roe v. Wade, and stop taxpayer funding of abortions.
I oppose any attempt to redefine marriage as something else other than one man and one woman. Following the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage, we need federal legislation protecting religious liberty and conscience rights. It is wrong that businesses and charities are being shut down because they do not subscribe to an incorrect view of marriage.
We must stand up for civil society in all its forms. Strong families, churches, civic organizations, and other voluntary associations are the keys to a thriving society and a bulwark against ever-encroaching government. They must be supported.
More Information
Source: Government page
Source: Wikipedia
Ohio’s 8th congressional district sits on the west side of Ohio, bordering Indiana. The cities of Hamilton, Fairfield, Middletown, Springfield, Eaton, Greenville, Piqua, and Troy are part of the district. The district was represented by Republican John Boehner, the 53rd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. On September 25, 2015, Boehner announced his resignation from the speakership and retirement from Congress, which became effective on October 31, 2015.
The current representative for this district is Republican Warren Davidson, who defeated Democrat Corey Foister and Green Party candidate James J. Condit Jr. in the 2016 special election to fill Boehner’s seat.
Warren Earl Davidson (born March 1, 1970) is an American politician and former military officer serving as the U.S. representative for Ohio’s 8th congressional district since 2016. The district, which was once represented by House Speaker John Boehner, includes a swath of suburban and exurban territory between Cincinnati and Dayton. Before entering politics, he was an officer in United States Army special operations and led his family’s manufacturing business. Davidson is a member of the Republican Party.
Personal life
Davidson was born and raised in Sidney, Ohio, graduating from Sidney High School in 1988.[1]
Davidson met his wife, Lisa, in 1991 while he was entering West Point and she was serving as a missionary setting up Backyard Bible Clubs for Ohio churches. They married in 1995 and have two children.[1] They reside in Troy, a suburb of Dayton.[2]
Military career
Davidson enlisted in the Army after graduating from high school in 1988. After training, he was stationed in Germany with the 3rd Infantry Division, and witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall. Soon thereafter he attended the United States Military Academy, graduating in 1995. He left with an officers’ commission and a degree in American history, minoring in mechanical engineering. After West Point, he went to Army Ranger School and ROP indoctrination in 1996, subsequently spending time in the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, 101st Airborne Division and The Old Guard.[3] He separated honorably from the Army in 2000.[3][1]
Davidson returned to serve in a new capacity at his alma mater when he was appointed to the 2020 United States Military Academy Board of Visitors.[4]
Awards and decorations
Post-military career
Upon separation from the Army, Davidson attended the University of Notre Dame for his MBA.[1] After graduate school, he returned to Ohio to help his father run the family business, West Troy Tool & Machine. Davidson purchased the business from his father in 2005 and transformed it from a small batch machining and fabricating business into a high-volume contract fabrication and injection molding manufacturer.[6] In 2014 Davidson and a business partner combined West Troy with another manufacturing group, RK Metals, with Davidson becoming managing director of RK Metals and president of West Troy.[6][7] They renamed the combined business Integral Manufacturing in 2015.[6] Davidson ceased affiliation with the company upon taking office in 2016, but continues to percentage lease facilities to Integral and a neighboring company.[1][2][6][8]
During his time in manufacturing, Davidson served as chairman of the Dayton Region Manufacturers Association, an industry trade group.[2] From 2004 to 2005, he served on the Concord Township, Ohio, Board of Trustees.[2][9]
U.S House of Representatives
2016 special
After Representative John Boehner resigned from the U.S. House of Representatives, Davidson ran in a special election for the balance of Boehner’s 13th term, recruited heavily by fellow Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.[9] Davidson won the 15-way primary, all but guaranteeing his victory in the heavily Republican district’s special election on June 7.[10][11] He was sworn in on June 9.[12][13]

2016 general
Davidson defeated Democratic nominee Steven Fought for a full term, 68.7% to 27.0%.[14]
Davidson defeated Democratic nominee Vanessa Enoch, 66.6% to 33.4%.[15]
Davidson defeated Enoch again with 69% of the vote.[16][17][18]
Upon election, Davidson was asked to join the House Freedom Caucus, an invitation he accepted from the group, which was instrumental in pushing Boehner to resign.[9]
Davidson is a member of the budget and spending task force on the Republican Study Committee.[19]
In July 2020, Davidson founded the Sound Money Caucus, a caucus focused on maintaining financial stability and Dollar hegemony. He serves as its chair.[20]
In 2019, Davidson made an unsuccessful bid for chair of the caucus after Representative Mark Meadows vacated the position, ultimately withdrawing in favor of Andy Biggs. Davidson has served as the caucus’s policy chair since October 2019.
On January 7, 2021, Davidson objected to the certification of electors in the 2020 US presidential election, alleging widespread voter fraud.[21]

In September 2021, nonprofit group Campaign Legal Center filed an ethics complaint against Davidson with the Office of Congressional Ethics, claiming that Davidson appeared to have violated the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, a federal transparency and conflict-of-interest law, by failing to properly disclose a sale of stock in Workhorse Group worth between $50,000 and $100,000 that he made in 2020.[22] In response, a spokesperson for Davidson claimed that the proper financial disclosure form had been filed on time but that the House Clerk‘s website had failed to publish it.[22]
In January 2022, Davidson faced backlash from Jewish groups after comparing a Washington, D.C. city ordinance requiring display of photo identification and proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter businesses to the Holocaust.[23]
On March 19, 2024, Davidson voted “nay” to House Resolution 149 Condemning the illegal abduction and forcible transfer of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation. He was one of nine Republicans to do so.[24]
Committee assignments
Caucus memberships
- Freedom Caucus[25][9]
- Sound Money Caucus[20]
- Republican Study Committee[25]
- Army Caucus[25]
- Congressional Blockchain Caucus[7][26]
- Liberty Caucus[7]
- Second Amendment Caucus[25]
- Steel Caucus[25]
- Values Action Team[25]
- Warrior Caucus[25]
Political positions
Davidson is staunchly anti-abortion except to save the mother’s life. On August 12, 2020, he and Senator Mike Braun co-wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin urging him to direct the IRS not to treat premiums for health insurance that covers abortions as medical care, writing, “in all but the most extreme circumstances, abortion is an elective procedure.”[27]
On June 26, 2022, when asked by Pamela Brown on CNN Newsroom whether he was okay with a child rape victim carrying out a pregnancy, he said, “It’s a compromise. Like I say, rape is raised as an objection and the Heartbeat Bill already deals with that and it’s hard to conceive of somebody who doesn’t know they were raped for two months.”[28]
U.S. Capitol Police
In June 2021, Davidson was one of 21 House Republicans to vote against a resolution to give the Congressional Gold Medal to police officers who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6.[29]
Davidson has proposed the Token Taxonomy Act in each of the last several sessions. The bill is designed to normalize cryptocurrencies into the US financial system, and provides for a nontaxable profit margin of $600 annually for cryptocurrency holdings, designed to incentivize use of the currencies by eliminating any tax burden on small value changes. The bill also specifies that token-based financial systems are not securities.[30]
Economic policy
Davidson cites his manufacturing business experience as guiding his economic policy principles. He is a strong believer in full expensing as a tax incentive stimulus, on the grounds that it would allow businesses to immediately deduct the cost of any capital asset such as long-term investments like buildings, machinery, or tooling from their corporate tax bills.[31]
Foreign policy and the military
Davidson has objected to America’s overseas military presence and the continued wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on numerous occasions.[32] He favors ending the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq, which he has called “horribly outdated, inadequate for today’s War on Terror, and stretched to the point of absurdity…used to support ongoing missions…against enemies, organizations, and nations with little or no connection to 9/11.”[33]
Davidson and Jim Jordan were the only members of Ohio’s congressional delegation and two of 60 members of Congress to vote against a bipartisan resolution condemning President Donald Trump’s unilateral withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Syria, which passed the House 354–60 in October 2019. Davidson justified the position in an op-ed that called for an outright rejection of neoconservative foreign policy, in which he wrote, “the neoconservative consensus has left America less free, less safe, and burdened by unprecedented debt.” He also urged NATO to stipulate that any actions Turkey took against groups like the Kurds in response to U.S. withdrawal should be treated as genocide and be grounds for removal as a treaty signatory.[34]
Davidson voted against the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, citing, among other things, “funding for military activity in Afghanistan with no change in strategy or plan to withdraw troops”.[35]
In June 2021, Davidson was one of 49 House Republicans to vote to repeal the AUMF against Iraq.[36][37]
Davidson voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.[38][39]
Health care
Davidson supports Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He has introduced his own legislation, The Patient Fairness Act, aimed at expanding coverage via Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). It would expand availability of these tax-advantaged, investable financial vehicles to a much larger swath of the population than the current propensity for only high-deductible insurance plans to offer such a program. Davidson said he wanted to more than double the maximum investable allowance for the accounts, claiming that will build price transparency for insured patients, develop parity with employer-sponsored healthcare, and offer a vehicle to build intergenerational wealth by making them inheritable assets.[40]
Intelligence and surveillance activities
Davidson supports curtailing many of the broad signals intelligence permissions granted in the wake of the September 11 attacks, which he has called an “extralegal spying regime” of “vague laws and lax protections”.[41][35] He has worked to orchestrate several major attempts to reform the laws in recent years.
The first major attempt at reform came in January 2020 when Davidson co-sponsored H.R. 5675, The Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act (SAPRA) alongside the notably unusual coalition of Progressive Caucus Democrats like Pramila Jayapal and Freedom Caucus Republicans like Matt Gaetz. The bill aimed at significant reforms, including new transparency of FISA Court decisions and ensuring 4th amendment constraints on “tangible things” requests subsequent to the decision in Carpenter v. United States.[42] Efforts stalled after House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler canceled markup on the bill at the request of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.
Another came during debate over reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), when Davidson worked with Representative Zoe Lofgren to introduce the Lofgren-Davidson Amendment. The amendment was to serve as an outright prohibition on warrantless search of American’s internet activities by the Intelligence Community via Section 215 of FISA empowered by the USA FREEDOM Act (aka the Library Records provision).[43] Reauthorization of the soon-to-expire Section 215 concerned a set of provisions known informally as the “business records” power, the “call detail records” authority, the “roving wiretaps” provision, and the never-used “lone wolf” amendment. Among other reforms, the new language would have constrained these powers by creating an affirmative burden on the government to be absolutely sure the target in question is not a U.S. person before obtaining internet records, and make unlawful the incidental collection of U.S. persons’ data via selection of all web traffic data for a particular video, search query, or webpage.[44] In addition, if an order could result in a U.S. person’s data, it would be unlawful without a warrant narrowly tailored to a specific subject.[44] It also included a provision to eliminate the lone wolf amendment.[44] The proposal mirrored a companion Senate amendment by Senators Ron Wyden and Steve Daines, which had narrowly failed in the Senate. Davidson said he would support reauthorization of FISA so long as the amendment was included.[43][44]
After House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff made a statement to the New York Times suggesting that the Lofgren-Davidson amendment would not completely eliminate warrantless surveillance, Davidson and Wyden quickly abandoned support of the amendment over fears that the agreement reached between Lofgren and Schiff over the weekend had betrayed much of the intent of the amendment with omissions and loopholes to be interpreted maliciously by the secretive FISA Court.[45][46] Both went on to oppose the amendment and underlying reauthorization bill, with Davidson saying, “this is Representative Schiff and intelligence hawks working overtime to protect the surveillance state status quo.”[45] The entire bill was later pulled by Speaker Pelosi after Trump indicated he would veto and moderate Republicans indicated opposition. Barring further action Section 215 powers lie dormant, as authority expired March 15, 2020.[47]
After Attorney General William Barr tried to suggest that FISA could be reauthorized with assurances the Justice Department would fix abuses through administrative rulemaking, Davidson pushed back against suggestions that any agency decisions could stand in for crucial legislative reform.[41]
Davidson cited compromises of “Americans’ privacy in the name of fighting terror” as a reason for his vote against the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021.[35]
Davidson favors welfare reform. He has argued that the political sensitivity of being the first mover to modify any social safety net has a dissuasive effect on reform efforts. To combat this, he has proposed what he calls “welfare BRAC” (an allusion to the bipartisan Base Realignment And Closure panels that consolidated and reformed US military installations), suggesting a panel of four Republicans and four Democrats to evaluate each welfare program’s effectiveness and recommend changes, cuts, or consolidation of the 92 federal programs.[31]
Davidson voted against the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019, which would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family-sponsored immigrants, and for other purposes.[48]
Davidson voted against the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020, which authorized DHS to nearly double the available H-2B visas for the remainder of FY 2020.[49][50]
Davidson voted against the Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 1158),[51] which effectively prohibits Immigration and Customs Enforcement from cooperating with the Department of Health and Human Services to detain or remove illegal alien sponsors of Unaccompanied Alien Children.[citation needed]
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Warren Davidson | 21,618 | 76.76 | |
Democratic | Corey Foister | 5,937 | 21.08 | |
Green | James J. Condit, Jr. | 607 | 2.16 | |
Total votes | 28,236 | 100.00 | ||
Republican hold |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | Warren Davidson (Incumbent) | 223,833 | 68.76 | |
Democratic | Steven Fought | 87,794 | 26.97 | |
Green | Derrick James Hendricks | 13,879 | 4.26 | |
Total votes | 325,506 | 100.00 | ||
Republican hold |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ||
Republican | Warren Davidson (incumbent) | 173,852 | 66.6 | ||
Democratic | Vanessa Enoch | 87,281 | 33.4 | ||
Total votes | 261,133 | 100.0 | |||
Republican hold |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ||
Republican | Warren Davidson (incumbent) | 246,276 | 69.0 | ||
Democratic | Vanessa Enoch | 110,766 | 31.0 | ||
Total votes | 357,042 | 100.0 | |||
Republican hold |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ||
Republican | Warren Davidson (incumbent) | 180,287 | 64.6 | ||
Democratic | Vanessa Enoch | 98,629 | 35.4 | ||
Total votes | 278,916 | 100.0 | |||
Republican hold |
- ^ a b c d e “Republican Warren Davidson hopes to lead U.S. House 8th District race”. February 1, 2016. Archived from the original on September 20, 2018. Retrieved August 1, 2016.
- ^ a b c d “OurCandidates Warren Davidson Biography”. Our Candidates. May 25, 2016.
- ^ a b Davidson, Warren. “About Warren Davidson”. Davidson for Congress.
- ^ “Board of Visitors | United States Military Academy West Point”. Retrieved March 9, 2020.
- ^ a b “Congressional Veterans Caucus Members”. Military Times.
- ^ a b c d “Integral Manufacturing – About Us”. Integral Manufacturing. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
- ^ a b c Davidson, Warren. “Warren Davidson LinkedIn Profile”. LinkedIn.
- ^ “Financial Disclosures for Rep. Warren Davidson” (PDF). Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. August 13, 2017.
- ^ a b c d Caygle, Heather (June 9, 2016). “Boehner’s successor joins Freedom Caucus”. POLITICO. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
- ^ “Boehner race winner: ‘This is like going back to active duty’“. June 7, 2016.
- ^ Sewell, Dan; Press, Associated (June 8, 2016). “Warren Davidson wins special House election in Ohio”. Retrieved August 1, 2016.
- ^ “Davidson will be sworn in today”. Journal-News. June 9, 2016.
- ^ “Warren Davidson sworn in to fill remainder of John Boehner’s term”. Retrieved August 1, 2016.
- ^ Ohio State Official Election Results, retrieved February 17, 2021
- ^ “Ohio’s 8th Congressional District election, 2018”. Ballotpedia. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Staff, WLWT Digital (November 4, 2020). “Election results: Davidson wins reelection in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District”. WLWT. Retrieved November 4, 2020.
- ^ Pitman, Michael D. “Incumbent congressman to face familiar opponent in GOP primary”. Dayton Daily News. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Stewart, Chris. “Warren Davidson, Vanessa Enoch cruise to congressional primary wins”. Butler County Journal-News. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ “Budget & Spending Task Force”. Republican Study Committee. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
- ^ a b Cortez, J.P. (August 14, 2020). “New Sound Money Caucus Launched on Capitol Hill”. Money Metals Exchange. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Yourish, Karen; Buchanan, Larry; Lu, Denise (January 7, 2021). “The 147 Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election Results”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved January 10, 2021.
- ^ a b Walsh, Deirdre (September 23, 2021). “Outside Ethics Group Says 7 House Lawmakers Didn’t Disclose Stock Trades”. NPR. Archived from the original on July 4, 2024. Retrieved July 18, 2024.
- ^ “GOP Rep. Davidson compares vaccine mandates to the Holocaust”. NBC News. January 12, 2022. Retrieved January 14, 2022.
- ^ Metzger, Bryan (March 19, 2024). “These 9 House Republicans voted against a resolution condemning the Russian abduction of Ukrainian children”.
- ^ a b c d e f g “Committees and Caucuses”. Congressman Warren Davidson. December 13, 2012. Retrieved March 9, 2020.
- ^ “Members”. Congressional Blockchain Caucus. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
- ^ Treasury letter
- ^ “GOP lawmaker, asked if he’s OK with child rape victim carrying out pregnancy: ‘You don’t know you were raped for 2 months?’ – CNN Video”. CNN.
- ^ Grayer, Annie; Wilson, Kristin (June 16, 2021). “21 Republicans vote no on bill to award Congressional Gold Medal for January 6 police officers”. CNN. Retrieved June 16, 2021.
- ^ Davidson, Warren (April 9, 2019). “H.R.2144 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): Token Taxonomy Act of 2019”. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
- ^ a b “Principles for Tax Reform: A Conversation with the House Freedom Caucus”. The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
- ^ “Davidson: “Bring Our Troops Home.”“. Congressman Warren Davidson. March 3, 2020. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Davidson, Warren (January 13, 2020). “A time for war, a time for peace — and always a time to defend America”. The Hill. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Davidson, Warren (October 17, 2019). “Trump is Right: Ending the Endless Wars Starts in Syria”. The American Conservative. Retrieved November 25, 2020.
- ^ a b c “Davidson Rejects Partisan National Defense Authorization”. Congressman Warren Davidson. July 21, 2020. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ “House votes to repeal 2002 Iraq War authorization”. NBC News. June 17, 2021.
- ^ “Final vote results for roll call 172”. Retrieved October 2, 2023.
- ^ Demirjian, Karoun (October 25, 2023). “House Declares Solidarity With Israel in First Legislation Under New Speaker”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved October 30, 2023.
- ^ Washington, U. S. Capitol Room H154; p:225-7000, DC 20515-6601 (October 25, 2023). “Roll Call 528 Roll Call 528, Bill Number: H. Res. 771, 118th Congress, 1st Session”. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved October 30, 2023.
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- ^ a b Davidson, Warren (March 11, 2020). “Congress Has a Chance to Reform the Patriot Act—But Moderates Want to Water It Down”. The American Conservative. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Crocker, India McKinney and Andrew (January 29, 2020). “New Bill Would Make Needed Steps Toward Curbing Mass Surveillance”. Electronic Frontier Foundation. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ a b “Lofgren and Davidson Urge Consideration of Internet Privacy Amendment”. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. May 20, 2020. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ a b c d “Davidson Praises Inclusion of Internet Privacy Amendments in FISA Reauthorization”. Congressman Warren Davidson. May 26, 2020. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ a b Cameron, Dell (May 26, 2020). “Wyden Pulls Support for Privacy Amendment After Rep. Adam Schiff Downplays Impact to NYTimes”. Gizmodo. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Savage, Charlie (May 26, 2020). “House to Vote on Limiting F.B.I. Power to Collect Americans’ Internet Data”. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ Herb, Jeremy (May 27, 2020). “Democrats pull bill to reauthorize government surveillance powers after Trump threatens to veto it”. CNN. Retrieved August 18, 2020.
- ^ “H.R. 1044: Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 — House Vote #437 — Jul 10, 2019”.
- ^ “Text – H.R.1865 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 | | Library of Congress”. Retrieved July 22, 2022.
- ^ “Roll Call 689 Roll Call 689, Bill Number: H. R. 1865, 116th Congress, 1st Session”. December 17, 2019.
- ^ “H.R. 1158: DHS Cyber Hunt and Incident Response Teams Act … — House Vote #690 — Dec 17, 2019”.
- ^ “June 7, 2016 Special Congressional General Election Official Canvass”. Ohio Secretary of State. Retrieved July 28, 2019.
External links
- Congressman Warren Davidson official U.S. House website
- Congressional campaign website
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- U.S. patent 9,222,588