Current Position: US Senator since 2023
Affiliation: Republican
Former Positions: Venture Capital since 2017; Author, Hillbilly Elegy
Candidate: US Vice President in 2024
After working at a corporate law firm, Vance moved to San Francisco to work in the tech industry. He served as a principal at Peter Thiel’s venture capital firm, Mithril Capital.
n 2016, Harper published Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis. It was on The New York Times Best Seller list in 2016 and 2017. In 2017, Vance joined Revolution LLC, an investment firm founded by AOL cofounder Steve Case, as an investment partner, where he was tasked with expanding the “Rise of the Rest” initiative, which focuses on growing investments in under-served regions outside the Silicon Valley and New York City tech bubbles.
In 2019, Vance co-founded Narya Capital in Cincinnati, with financial backing from Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen. In 2020, he raised $93 million for the firm.
OnAir Post: JD Vance – Vice President
PBS NewsHour, July 31, 2024 – 7:00 pm (ET)
JD was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio, a once flourishing American manufacturing town where Ohioans could live content, middle-class lives on single incomes. Over time, many of those good jobs disappeared, and JD’s family suffered the effects along with many others.
Turbulence was common at home and at school. His grandmother, called Mamaw, was his saving grace. Her tough love and discipline kept him on the straight and narrow. A “blue dog” Democrat, she owned 19 handguns and nurtured a deep Christian faith in herself and her family. She died in 2005, shortly after JD enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
JD went on to serve our nation in the Iraq War, then graduated from The Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He wrote a bestselling book, Hillbilly Elegy, which was turned into a Netflix movie. He also started a business dedicated to growing jobs and opportunity in the American heartland.
JD believes Ohioans deserve better. And he aims to fight for it in the U.S. Senate
Full Name: JD ‘J.D.’ Vance
Gender: Male
Family: Grandmother; Mamaw
Birth Place: Middletown, OH
Home City: Cincinnati, OH
Religion: Christian
Source: Vote Smart
JD, Yale Law School, 2010-2013
BA, Political Science/Philosophy, The Ohio State University, 2007-2009
Political Experience
Senator, United State Senate, 2023-present
Candidate, United States Senate, Ohio, 2022
Professional Experience
Co-Founder/Partner, Narya, 2019-present
Author, HarperCollins Publishers, 2013-present
Former Research Assistant, Professor George Priest, Yale Law School
Served, United States Marine Corps, 2003-2007
37 West Broad Street, Room 300
Columbus, OH, 43215
Phone: (614) 369-4925
1240 East 9th Street, Room 3061
Cleveland, OH 44199
Phone: (216) 539-7877
420 Madison Avenue, Room 1210
Toledo, OH, 43604
Phone: (567) 304-3777
300 North Main Street, Suite 200
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone: (513) 318-1100
Washington, DC
288 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Email: Government
Web Links
Source: none
Source: Vote Smart
Member, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Member, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Member, Joint Economic Committee
Member, Special Committee on Aging
Member, Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband
Member, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
Member, Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development
Member, Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, Climate Change and Manufacturing
Member, Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment
New Legislation
Source: Campaign page
American Decline Was a Choice
My hometown of Middletown, Ohio is full of great people, and it has one of the highest citizenship rates in the country—nearly every person who lives there is a US citizen. Yet it has a poverty rate 15 percent higher than the national average. In many of our biggest cities, even right here in Ohio, drive around and you’ll see homeless encampments and trash strewn everywhere. Crime has skyrocketed, and even many successful families find it harder to get ahead. Every day, we read about a new assault on our country: from the Chinese who are stealing from American industry, or from our own “leaders” who teach our kids to hate their own country. Why is this happening? For a simple reason: our leaders have failed.
They chose to flood our country with criminals and drugs. They chose to take a knee as radicals ransacked our cities and made our communities less safe. They chose to make a quick buck by selling our industrial base to China. They chose censorship over the First Amendment.
Our parents and grandparents gave us the most prosperous nation in the world, and our leaders have chosen decline and plunder. But under our Constitution, We the People have the power, and it’s time we used it to fight back.
Democracy & Governance
Election Integrity
You have to hand it to the Democrats: give Republicans power, and we try to pass a new law; give Democrats power, and they try to legalize electioneering and ballot harvesting. It’s time to end the COVID-era changes to our elections–we need to go back to having an election day in this country, not an election season, and we need other common sense measures too: Voter ID, signature verification on absentee ballots, and an end to mass mail-in voting.
Economy & Jobs
Restore America’s Manufacturing Base
Our country used to value working class jobs, and then the manufacturing base of our economy was shipped overseas. Working class Ohioans were left in the dust. Job loss devastated families. Communities were forgotten. I’ll fight against the corporate elites who want to continue the status quo that plunders the millions who are unable to use their hands to earn a decent wage.
Over the last four years, President Trump scrapped terrible trade deals and renegotiated them, imposing punitive tariffs on companies that manufacture in China and other nations. These were the right policies, and the effort to rebuild our industrial base is only beginning.
Defend American Small Businesses
Now more than ever, our economy favors foreign companies that vocally oppose American values. Why do Apple and Coca Cola feel the need to threaten states that pass election integrity measures? And why does our economic policy reward them more than local businesses? Our family-owned, American-made businesses are doomed if this trend continues. Did you know that Google, a massive technology company that actively works with the Chinese Communist Party pays a lower tax rate than many Ohio manufacturers who struggle desperately to never do business with the Chinese? At the same time, some of our biggest companies funded Black Lives Matter riots that destroyed our towns and cities. I’m done with an economy that favors anti-American multinationals over pro-American local businesses.
My fellow Republicans love to talk about tax cuts. By all means, let’s cut the taxes of the companies that invest in our country. But we’re going to raise taxes on companies that ship jobs overseas and use their money to fund anti-American radical movements. If these companies are going to wage war on America, it’s time America wages war on them.
Dismantle Big Tech Oligarchy
I know the technology industry well. I’ve worked in it and invested in it, and I’m sick of politicians who talk big about Big Tech but do nothing about it. The tech industry promised all of us better lives and faster communication; instead, it steals our private information, sells it to the Chinese, and then censors conservatives and others for daring to have a controversial opinion.
The solution is simple: we need to break up the big tech companies, to reduce their power in our economy and our politics. We also need to ban the theft of our personal information. If they want our data, it’s time they paid for it.
Spending and Inflation
The Biden administration has spent billions and billions of dollars on things we don’t need. Why do we need a “transportation equity” agency to ensure that we don’t have too many male truck drivers? Why are we spending billions on battery technologies that are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and built by Chinese workers? The result of needless spending is runaway inflation, which has made it harder for normal Americans to afford basic necessities. Inflation has hit our seniors especially hard, many of whom live on a fixed income. It’s time to get this inflation under control.
Health & Education
Protect Conservative Values
The Left has decided to wage a culture war against traditional values. People get fired for saying things that were commonsense 10 years ago. They take hundreds of billions of American tax dollars and send it to universities that teach that America is an evil, racist nation, which is all critical race theory (CRT) is. Those universities then train teachers who bring that indoctrination into our elementary and high schools.
It’s time for us to fight back. Not a single additional dollar for universities—in Ohio or out—that teach critical race theory or radical gender ideology. We need to force our schools to give an honest, patriotic account of American history. And we must give parents resources to control their kids’ education—whether they choose a traditional public school, a charter school, a religious school, or a home school.
Conserve Traditional Families
Many of our families are broken. I know what it’s like to grow up without a father in the home, and the problems that can create for a lifetime. We need to reinvigorate the American family, make it easier to support a family on a single middle-class wage, and encourage fathers to step up in families across our country.
Currently our tax code penalizes marriage and family, we should turn that on its head and reward marriage and family.
Combat Drug and Opioid Epidemic
Opioid addiction has devastated my family and my community. More and more Ohioans are falling victim to addiction, which means an entire generation of children orphaned, and another generation of grandparents forced to step up for our community’s kids. Communities are on the decline as job loss and poverty further engulf them. I’ll work to tackle the drug epidemic, eliminate the drugs coming into our community, and help those devastated by addiction. America is a country of second chances, and I’m proud to say that people in my own family have struggled with addiction for a decade before coming out on the other side of it. We need to ensure more second chances for Ohioans from all walks of life.
Restore Sanity on COVID-19
COVID-19 is undoubtedly a horrible disease that has killed many Americans. But we now know enough about COVID and have developed therapies and vaccines that should allow us to get back to normal. You shouldn’t have to “show your papers” to go to a restaurant in our country, and our children—who are not at significant risk from COVID-19—should be able to go to school in person, without masks hiding the faces of their friends and teachers.
Public Safety
Solve Southern Border Crisis
Unchecked, illegal immigrants are entering our country at record rates. Joe Biden’s do-nothing policies give millions of aliens a free pass to break our laws, traffic drugs into our communities, contribute to rising crime and take jobs away from hardworking Americans. Biden’s policies have created a crisis out of thin air, after four years of President Trump’s successful efforts to get our border under control. As Ohio’s next senator, I will oppose every attempt by the Democrats to grant amnesty, so that our communities are safe places to live and work and raise a family. I’ll also work to finish construction of a border wall, and double the number of border agents in our country. Border security is not rocket science—we simply need the political will and the resources to do it.
We also must reform our legal immigration system. In no other developed country do we allow migration primarily based on family relations rather than skills. Millions of people want to come here, and we should only allow them if they contribute something meaningful to our country. Importantly, our ability to assimilate immigrants successfully—something our country should be proud of—is contingent on American leadership that loves this country. Forty years ago, new American immigrants came to a country where bipartisan leaders delivered a simple message: this great country is now your own, and you have a duty to help build it. Today, those same leaders deliver a different message: this is an evil and racist country, and you owe nothing to it. Because of this, our capacity to assimilate the next generation of immigrants is limited, and our legal immigration system should account for this fact by changing who we let in and reducing the total numbers.
A Foreign Policy that Puts Americans First
For two decades, global elites have played a trick on normal Americans: send your sons and daughters to die for nation-building wars in some far flung corner of the world, and when their utopian fantasies fail, accept millions of refugees into middle and working class neighborhoods. This is a bad deal for Americans, a bad deal for our troops, a bad deal for the refugees, but a good deal for the elites who profit from endless war.
Importantly, American political leaders should stop using America’s military as a social justice side project. Our troops don’t need to focus on diversity or equity or any other progressive buzzword; they need to focus on fighting and winning America’s wars.
Human Rights
End Abortion
I am 100 percent pro-life, and believe that abortion has turned our society into a place where we see children as an inconvenience to be thrown away rather than a blessing to be nurtured. Eliminating abortion is first and foremost about protecting the unborn, but it’s also about making our society more pro-child and pro-family
Protect Second Amendment Rights
Joe Biden and anti-democracy multinational companies are trying to find new ways to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. They’re making it harder to buy firearms and ammunition, and imposing new, unconstitutional regulations on American citizens. I will fight the gun grabbers, whether they’re federal bureaucrats enacting regulations or multinational companies punishing people for exercising their rights. When a payments processor attempts to restrict Americans from buying firearms or ammunition, I’ll push back with federal legislation.
More Information
Source: Government page
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Vice President-elect of the United States U.S. Senator from Ohio Vice presidential campaign Published works
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James David Vance (born James Donald Bowman;[a] August 2, 1984) is an American politician, attorney, author, and Marine Corps veteran who is the vice president-elect of the United States. A member of the Republican Party, he has served since 2023 as the junior United States senator from Ohio. Upon assuming office, Vance will be the third-youngest vice president in U.S. history and the first to be born in the Millennial generation.
After high school, Vance joined the United States Marine Corps, where he served as a military journalist from 2003 to 2007, and deployed to Iraq for six months in 2005. He graduated from Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in 2009 and Yale Law School with a law degree in 2013. He practiced briefly as a corporate lawyer before embarking on a career in the tech industry as a venture capitalist. His memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, was published in 2016 and adapted into a film in 2020.
Vance won the 2022 United States Senate election in Ohio, defeating Democratic nominee Tim Ryan. After initially opposing Donald Trump’s candidacy in the 2016 election, Vance became a strong Trump supporter during Trump’s first presidency. In July 2024, Trump selected Vance as his running mate before the Republican National Convention.
Vance has been characterized as a national conservative and right-wing populist, and he describes himself as a member of the postliberal right. His political positions include opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, gun control, and American military aid to Ukraine. Vance is an outspoken critic of childlessness and has acknowledged Catholic theology‘s influence on his sociopolitical positions.
Early life, military service, and education
Vance was born James Donald Bowman on August 2, 1984, in Middletown, Ohio,[2][3] to Beverly Carol (née Vance; born 1961) and Donald Ray Bowman (1959–2023). He is of Scots-Irish descent.[4][5] His parents divorced when he was a toddler.[3] After Bowman was adopted by his mother’s third husband, Bob Hamel, his mother changed his name to James David Hamel to remove his father’s name while using an uncle’s name to preserve his nickname, JD.[6][7]
Vance has written that his childhood was marked by poverty and abuse, and that his mother struggled with drug addiction.[8] Vance and his sister Lindsey were raised primarily by his maternal grandparents, James (1929–1997) and Bonnie Vance (née Blanton; 1933–2005), whom they called “Papaw” and “Mamaw”.[9]

At age 17, Vance began his first job, as a cashier at Dillman Foods, a local grocery store.[10] After graduating from Middletown High School in 2003, Vance enlisted in the United States Marine Corps,[11] where he served as a military journalist with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing.[12] During his four-year service, he was deployed to Iraq in 2005 for six months in a non-combat role, writing articles and taking photographs.[11] He attained the rank of corporal and his decorations included the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.[13]
Using the G.I. Bill,[14][15] Vance attended Ohio State University from September 2007[16] to August 2009,[17] graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts with majors in political science and philosophy.[18] Vance then attended Yale Law School,[19][20] where he formed a close friendship with Jamil Jivani, a future Conservative member of Canadian parliament,[21] and was a member of The Yale Law Journal.[19] During his first year, Professor Amy Chua persuaded Vance to begin writing his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.[22] In 2010 and 2011, Vance wrote for David Frum‘s “FrumForum” website under the name J. D. Hamel.[23][24] He graduated in 2013 with a Juris Doctor degree.[19] Although Hillbilly Elegy implies that Vance adopted his grandparents’ surname of Vance upon his marriage in 2014,[25] the name change actually occurred in 2013, as he was about to graduate from Yale.[1]
Early career
After graduating from law school, Vance worked for Republican senator John Cornyn. He spent a year as a law clerk for Judge David Bunning of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky,[26] then worked at the law firm Sidley Austin,[27] beginning a brief career as a corporate lawyer.[28] Having practiced law for slightly under two years, Vance moved to San Francisco to work in the technology industry as a venture capitalist.[19] Between 2016 and 2017, he served as a principal at Peter Thiel‘s firm, Mithril Capital.[29][30]
In June 2016, Harper published Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis. The memoir recounts the Appalachian culture and socioeconomic problems of Vance’s small-town upbringing.[31] Hillbilly Elegy was on The New York Times Best Seller list in 2016 and 2017. The Times listed it among “6 Books to Help Understand Trump’s Win”,[32] and Vance was profiled in The Washington Post, which called him “the voice of the Rust Belt“.[33] In The New Republic, Sarah Jones criticized Vance as “liberal media’s favorite white trash–splainer” and a “false prophet of blue America“, calling the book “little more than a list of myths about welfare queens“.[34] Hillbilly Elegy‘s success helped propel Vance into contact with social elites, and he began writing a column for The New York Times. Vance later said that his interactions with social elites from this time, particularly their perceived disdain for “the people he grew up with”, helped shape his later views.[35]
In 2017, Vance joined the investment firm Revolution LLC.[36] It was founded by Steve Case, who co-founded AOL.[36] Vance was tasked with expanding the “Rise of the Rest” initiative, which focuses on growing investments in underserved regions outside Silicon Valley and New York City.[36]
Vance was a CNN contributor in 2017 and 2018.[37] In April 2017, Ron Howard signed on to direct the film version of Hillbilly Elegy, which was released in select theaters on November 11, 2020. It was released on Netflix for streaming.[38]
In 2019, Vance served on the board of advisors of the With Honor Fund, a Super PAC that helps veterans run for office.[39] From 2020 to 2023, he served on the board of advisors of American Moment, a networking and training organization for young conservatives that is affiliated with Project 2025.[40][41]
In 2019, Vance and Chris Buskirk co-founded the conservative political advocacy group Rockbridge Network.[42]
In 2019, Vance co-founded venture capital firm Narya Capital in Cincinnati with financial backing from Thiel, Eric Schmidt, and Marc Andreessen.[43] In 2020, he raised $93 million for the firm.[44] With Thiel and former Trump adviser Darren Blanton, Vance has invested in Rumble, a Canadian online video platform popular with the political right.[45][46]
Our Ohio Renewal

In December 2016, Vance said he planned to move to Ohio and would consider starting a nonprofit or running for office.[47][33] In Ohio, he started Our Ohio Renewal, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization focused on education, addiction, and other “social ills” he had mentioned in his memoir.[48] According to a 2017 archived capture of the nonprofit’s website, the members of the advisory board were Keith Humphreys, Jamil Jivani, Yuval Levin, and Sally Satel.[49][50] According to a 2020 capture of the website, those four remained in those positions throughout the organization’s existence.[51] Our Ohio Renewal closed by 2021 with sparse achievements.[48][52] According to Jivani, the organization’s director of law and policy, its work was derailed by Jivani’s cancer diagnosis.[53][54] It raised around $221,000 in 2017 (including $80,000 from Vance himself) and spent the majority of its revenue on overhead costs and travel. In subsequent years, it raised less than $50,000.[50][55]
During Vance’s 2022 campaign for US Senate, Tim Ryan, the Democratic nominee, said the charity was a front for Vance’s political ambitions. Ryan pointed to reports that the organization paid a Vance political adviser and conducted public opinion polling, while its efforts to address addiction failed. Vance denied the characterization.[56][57][b] Our Ohio Renewal’s tax filings showed that in its first year, it spent more (over $63,000) on “management services” provided by its executive director Jai Chabria, who also served as Vance’s top political adviser, than it did on programs to fight opioid abuse.[61][50] In 2017, Vance formed a similarly named 501(c)(3) organization, Our Ohio Renewal Foundation, which raised around $69,000 from 2017 to 2023.[55] As of September 2024, the foundation had not spent any funds since 2019.[62]
According to the Associated Press (AP) and ProPublica, the charity’s biggest accomplishment, sending psychiatrist Sally Satel to Ohio’s Appalachian region for a yearlong residency in 2018, was “tainted” by the ties among Satel, her employer, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), and Purdue Pharma, in the form of knowledge exchange between Satel and Purdue and financial support from Purdue to AEI, as found by a ProPublica 2019 investigation. In an email to AP, Satel denied having any relationship with Purdue or any knowledge of Purdue’s donations to AEI.[63][64][50]
From March 2017 to April 2021, Vance served on the board of directors of the startup AppHarvest, which carried out indoor vertical farming in Kentucky. AppHarvest was also one of Narya Capital’s first publicly announced investments; touting the company’s commitment to bring good jobs with health care benefits to an economically depressed area of Appalachia, Vance publicly advocated for AppHarvest, in February 2021 telling the media that it was “not just a good investment opportunity, it’s a great business that’s making a big difference in the world”. AppHarvest went bankrupt in 2023 while owing over $340 million. Citing interviews with former AppHarvest workers, CNN reported that some of them believed “Vance and other board members should have recognized and responded to warning signs that company officials were misleading the public and their own investors.”[65] Company founder Jonathan Webb and top executives collectively had little experience with horticulture and indoor agriculture, and the company struggled to meet its produce buyers’ standards.[66] Workers complained to authorities about “brutal” working conditions stemming from high temperatures in company greenhouses coupled with allegedly heavy production demands, lack of safety gear, and few rest and water breaks. After many local workers quit, they were replaced by migrant contract workers mostly from Mexico and Guatemala, who eventually constituted over half the company’s labor force.[65][66] Vance never held an operational role at the company, and his vice-presidential campaign said he had been unaware of the complaints about working conditions and that the decision to hire migrants was made after he resigned from the board.[65][66]
U.S. Senate (2023–present)
2022 campaign

- 80–90%
- 70–80%
- 60–70%
- 50–60%
- 60–70%
- 50–60%
In early 2018, Vance considered running for the US Senate against Sherrod Brown,[67] but did not.[68] In March 2021, Peter Thiel gave $10 million to Protect Ohio Values, a super PAC created in February to support a potential Vance candidacy.[69][70][71] Robert Mercer also gave an undisclosed amount.[69] In April, Vance expressed interest in running for the Senate seat being vacated by Rob Portman.[72] In May, he launched an exploratory committee.[73]
Vance announced his Senate campaign in Ohio on July 1, 2021.[3] On May 3, 2022, he won the Republican primary with 32% of the vote,[74] defeating multiple candidates, including Josh Mandel (23%) and Matt Dolan (22%).[75] On November 8, in the general election, Vance defeated Democratic nominee Tim Ryan with 53% of the vote to Ryan’s 47%.[3][76] This vote share was considered a vast underperformance compared to other Ohio Republicans, especially in the coinciding gubernatorial election.[77]
While Vance had often previously spelled his name with periods after the initials of his given names (“J.D.”) – including in the publication of Hillbilly Elegy – he dropped this styling after becoming a candidate for office by removing the periods (“JD”).[1]
On January 3, 2023, Vance was sworn in to the Senate as a member of the 118th United States Congress.
Data from mid-July 2024 showed that Vance had made 45 Senate speeches and sponsored 57 legislative bills, none of which had passed the Senate; he had also co-sponsored 288 bills, of which two passed both the Senate and the House, but were vetoed by President Biden.[78]
Axios reported that Vance responded to the 2023 train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, before top Biden administration officials were visibly engaged. Vance criticized the Biden administration for what he saw as a lackluster response to the derailment of a train carrying toxic chemicals, which were later released in a controlled burn. The Biden administration said that federal investigators were on scene soon after the derailment, although it eventually sent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to visit the scene as well.[79][80] Vance’s office posted on social media about the derailment a day after it occurred and his office released an official statement within 10 days. Vance himself visited the area about two weeks after the derailment.[80][81] On February 26, Vance wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post supporting the provision of PPP-style funds to those affected by the derailment, which some Republican senators criticized.[82][83]

On March 1, Vance and fellow Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown cosponsored bipartisan legislation to prevent derailments like the one in East Palestine.[84][85]
In June 2023, Vance collaborated with Senator Elizabeth Warren to claw back executive pay when big banks fail.[86] The same month, he voted against raising the debt ceiling, standing against final passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023[87] and saying it would result in “a reduced military in the face of a rising threat from China”.[88]
In July 2023, Vance and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced legislation that would have made gender-affirming care for minors a federal crime, with penalties of up to 12 years in prison.[89]
In June 2024, Vance sponsored the Dismantle DEI Act, which would ban federal diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and funding for agencies, contractors, and organizations receiving federal funds.[90][91]
Since becoming the 2024 Republican vice-presidential nominee, Vance has not been present for any Senate votes.[92][93] He will resign on or before January 20, 2025, when he will be inaugurated as vice president of the United States.
Committee assignments
- Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
- Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- Senate Special Committee on Aging
2024 presidential election
Vice-presidential campaign
On January 31, 2023, Vance endorsed former president Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries.[94][95] On July 15, 2024, the first day of the Republican National Convention, Trump announced that he had chosen Vance as his running mate in a post on Truth Social.[96] On July 17, the third day of the convention, Vance accepted the nomination to be Trump’s running mate.[97]
Trump’s two eldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, advocated for their father to choose Vance. Several media and industry figures are said to have lobbied for Vance to be on the presidential ticket, including Elon Musk, David O. Sacks, Tucker Carlson, and Peter Thiel, who first introduced Trump to Vance in 2021.[98][99] The Heritage Foundation, which drafted Project 2025, privately advocated for Vance to be Trump’s vice-presidential pick.[100] Musk responded to Trump’s vice-presidential pick hours after its announcement, saying the ticket “resounds with victory”. David Sacks, a prominent GOP donor and Silicon Valley venture capitalist, wrote on Twitter: “This is who I want by Trump’s side: an American patriot.” In 2022, Sacks gave a super PAC supporting Vance’s Senate campaign $900,000, and Peter Thiel added $15 million.[101] It was initially reported that Elon Musk would contribute $45 million monthly to the Trump-Vance campaign,[102] but Musk later said he planned to donate “much lower amounts”.[103][104]
On May 15, 2024, Trump attended a $50,000 per head private fundraising dinner with Vance in Cincinnati.[105] Guests included Chris Bortz and Republican fundraiser Nate Morris.[106] Vance appeared at significant conservative political events and in June was described as a potential running mate for Trump.[107][108] In July, a former friend of Vance’s from Yale Law School exposed to the media communications between them and Vance from 2014 to 2017, with the friend alleging that Vance has “changed [his] opinion on literally every imaginable issue that affects everyday Americans” in pursuit of “political power and wealth”.[109][110]
In late July 2024, after President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy for reelection and Vice President Kamala Harris became a presidential candidate, Vance said at a private fundraiser that the “bad news is that Kamala Harris does not have the same baggage as Joe Biden … Kamala Harris is obviously not struggling in the same ways that Joe Biden did”; a day later, Vance told the media: “I don’t think the political calculus changes at all” whether Harris or Biden was the Democratic nominee.[111] Following criticism of his past remarks and political positions, Vance said in an August 2024 interview that a vice president “doesn’t really matter” and that “Kamala Harris has been a bad vice president”.[112] This came after Trump said that the “vice president, in terms of the election, does not have any impact”.[112] In late August, after the Trump campaign was embroiled in controversy for allegedly bringing cameras into a restricted area of Arlington National Cemetery during Trump’s visit there, Vance first said that Harris “can go to hell” because “she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up”, and then said “Don’t do this fake outrage thing” even though at the time of his comments, Harris had not publicly discussed the incident.[113][114][115]

In August 2024, Vance said that Trump “said that explicitly that he would” veto a national abortion ban.[116] In September 2024, during his debate with Harris, Trump was asked about Vance’s statement about the veto, and responded: “I didn’t discuss it with JD … I think he was speaking for me—but I really didn’t.”[117][118]
In late September 2024, Vance spoke at a western Pennsylvania town hall event organized by top Christian nationalist leaders who promote election denialism. The organizers characterize Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris as a “demon”.[119][120][121] In October 2024, Vance said that he did not believe Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, saying that he believed “Big Tech rigged the election” through censorship.[122]
Comments on childlessness
Shortly after being named Trump’s running mate, Vance was criticized for saying in a 2021 Fox News interview, “we are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”[123] The resurfaced comments, which were posted by MeidasTouch editor-in-chief Ron Filipkowski, sparked an immediate backlash across news and social media.[124][125] On July 26, 2024, Vance clarified his remarks on The Megyn Kelly Show, saying, “It’s not a criticism of people who don’t have children” and “this is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-child”.[126] He has said that being “pro-babies and pro-family” should be the Republican Party’s highest priority.[127]
After backlash to the Fox News interview, additional comments that Vance had made in interviews about childless people resurfaced. In a 2020 podcast interview, he said that being childless “makes people more sociopathic and ultimately our whole country a little bit less, less mentally stable”.[128] Vance’s campaign referred to “radical childless leaders in this country” in a fundraising email sent after his appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight. CNN found multiple examples of Vance making similarly disparaging remarks about childless people, primarily Democratic officials.[129] In a 2021 speech at a Center for Christian Virtue leadership meeting, Vance said that childless teachers were “trying to brainwash the minds of our children” and criticized American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, saying: “If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”[130] He also suggested in a March 2021 interview on The Charlie Kirk Show that childless people should be taxed at a higher rate than those with children, adding that the U.S. should “reward the things that we think are good” and “punish the things that we think are bad”.[131] In an August 2024 interview on Face the Nation, Vance said he supported increasing the child tax credit from $2,000 per child to $5,000 per child, even though his Senate Republican colleagues had blocked an expanded child tax credit two weeks earlier while he was absent for the vote, having called it a “show vote” and saying it would not have passed even if he had been present.[132][133]
Comments on Haitian immigrants
In September 2024, Vance made allegations of “Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio. Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country”. Trump subsequently echoed the allegations, including during a presidential debate. Springfield authorities said there were “no credible reports or specific claims” of such incidents and that “Haitian immigrants are here legally”.[134][135] Vance then said that it was “possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false”, but also told his supporters to “keep the cat memes flowing”.[136] He then promoted conservative activist Christopher Rufo‘s allegation that African migrants were eating cats in Dayton, Ohio; Dayton authorities reported “no evidence to even remotely suggest that any group, including our immigrant community, is engaged in eating pets”.[137][138]
After Vance’s claim about Haitians eating pets was disputed, he said: “Do you know what’s confirmed? That a child was murdered by a Haitian migrant who had no right to be here”; the child had actually died in an accidental collision between vehicles in Springfield, and the child’s father criticized Vance for using the child’s “death for political gain”.[139][140] Vance also alleged a “massive rise in communicable diseases” in Springfield, but Clark County‘s health commissioner reported having “not seen a substantial increase in all reportable communicable diseases”.[141] After Vance’s and Trump’s allegations, Springfield experienced multiple bomb threats in September. Vance denounced “violence or the threat of violence levied against Springfield”, but continued his allegations against immigrants there.[142] He defended his claims about Haitian migrants eating cats, saying that he was willing “to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention … we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”[143]
The vice presidential debate was held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. EDT at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City.[144]
Vance’s debate performance was praised by political pundits, and he was declared the winner by columnists from The New York Times,[145] The Wall Street Journal,[146] the Los Angeles Times,[147] USA Today,[148] the Financial Times,[149] and Politico.[150] The columnists from The Washington Post[151] and Reuters[152] commended both Vance and Walz for the high level of civility and focus on policy in the debate.
The New York Times wrote that Vance delivered “one of the best debating performances by a Republican nominee for president or vice president in recent memory”, making a strong case for Trump’s record while also emphasizing his own personal biography, after facing weeks of attacks from the Democrats.[145] Politico noted that Vance offered an effective critique of Biden-Harris administration, while managing to move past his controversial past statements about women and immigrants.[150] However, he did face criticism for not acknowledging Trump’s loss of the 2020 election.[150]
Opinion polls

In July 2024, a CNN poll analysis after the Republican National Convention showed a net-negative approval rating for Vance.[77] That week, Vance’s middling public reception and other concerns led some prominent Republican politicians and political analysts to say that he may have been a poor choice of running mate, especially in light of the shift in the election’s dynamics upon the withdrawal of President Biden from the election and advent of Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.[153]
An August 2024 Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll highlighted that both Vance and Walz were still relatively unknown, with roughly 3 in 10 U.S. adults not knowing enough about Vance and only 27% having a favorable opinion of him, compared to 36% for Walz, though 57% of Republicans were supportive of Vance.[154]
A September 2024 Gallup poll showed that 41% of registered voters rated Vance as either an “excellent” or a “pretty good” choice versus 46% for Walz. These evaluations were quite similar to those of previous vice-presidential nominees; Mike Pence had a 43% rating as Trump’s running mate in 2016.[155]
After the October 2024 vice-presidential debate, polling from CBS News and YouGov found that Vance’s favorability increased from 40% to 49% among the surveyed likely voters who watched the debate, and that his unfavorability decreased from 54% to 47%.[156] According to The Hill, as of October 5, Vance’s favorability rating stood at 39.3%,[157] up from 35.1% in an October 2 FiveThirtyEight polling average,[158] and rose to 42.6% as of October 28.[159]
Political positions

During his time in the U.S. Senate, JD Vance has been described as national conservative,[160][161] right-wing populist,[160][162] and an ideological successor to paleoconservatives such as Pat Buchanan.[163] Vance describes himself, and has been described by others, as a member of the postliberal right.[164][165][166][167] He is known for his ties to Silicon Valley.[168] Vance has said he is “plugged into a lot of weird, right-wing subcultures” online.[166] He has endorsed books by Heritage Foundation leader Kevin Roberts and far-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec.[169][170]
On social issues, Vance is considered conservative.[171] He opposes abortion,[172][173] same-sex marriage,[171] and gun control.[174][175][176] He has taken a number of natalist positions. He has repeatedly expressed his belief that childlessness is linked to sociopathy, and advocated that parents have more voting power than non-parents,[177][178] but in August 2024, he backtracked from that suggestion.[179] Vance has lamented that increased divorces adversely affect children of divorced parents.[180] He has proposed federal criminalization of gender-affirming care for minors.[181] He supports Israel in the Israel–Hamas war.[182] He opposes continued American military aid to Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion and prefers a negotiated peace.[183][184][185] Vance has argued that the country’s largest and most powerful institutions have united against the right and has called for “a de-woke-ification program”.[186][187] He is critical of universities, which he has called “the enemy”.[188] Vance is also critical of both the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[189]
In 2016, Vance was an outspoken critic of then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, calling him “reprehensible” and “America’s Hitler“[190][191] and himself a “never Trump guy”.[192][193] In 2021, after Vance announced his Senate candidacy, he publicly announced support for Trump, apologizing for his past criticisms of Trump and deleting some of them.[194][195] That year, Vance advised Trump to fire “every civil servant” to replace them with “our people”.[196] Vance has said that, unlike Trump’s vice president Mike Pence, if he had been vice president during the 2020 presidential election, he would not have certified the election results, instead insisting that some states that Trump lost should send pro-Trump electors so that Congress could decide the election.[197]
Personal life

Vance wrote in his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, that he was raised in a low-income family by his single mother and grandmother.[198]
In 2013, Vance met Usha Chilukuri, while both were students at Yale Law School.[199] In 2014, Vance and Usha married in Kentucky, in an interfaith marriage ceremony,[200][201] as she is Hindu and he is Christian.[200][202] Their wedding included a Bible reading by Vance’s “best friend”, Jamil Jivani,[53][203] and the bride and groom were blessed by a Hindu pandit.[199][204] Usha clerked for a year for Brett Kavanaugh, who was then an appeals court judge in Washington, then clerked for Chief Justice John Roberts for a year.[205]
Vance was raised in a “conservative, evangelical” branch of Protestantism. By September 2016, he was “not an active participant” in any particular Christian denomination, but was “thinking very seriously about converting to Catholicism”.[206] In August 2019, Vance was baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church in a ceremony at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati, Ohio. He chose Augustine of Hippo as his confirmation saint. Vance said he converted because he “became persuaded over time that Catholicism was true […] and Augustine gave me a way to understand Christian faith in a strongly intellectual way”, further describing Catholic theology‘s alignment with his political views.[207][208] Vance was influenced to convert to Catholicism by Peter Thiel.[209]
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | |
Republican | JD Vance | 344,736 | 32.22% | |
Republican | Josh Mandel | 255,854 | 23.92% | |
Republican | Matt Dolan | 249,239 | 23.30% | |
Republican | Mike Gibbons | 124,653 | 11.65% | |
Republican | Jane Timken | 62,779 | 5.87% | |
Republican | Mark Pukita | 22,692 | 2.12% | |
Republican | Neil Patel | 9,873 | 0.92% | |
Total votes | 1,069,826 | 100.0% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Republican | JD Vance | 2,192,114 | 53.04% | N/A | |
Democratic | Tim Ryan | 1,939,489 | 46.92% | N/A | |
Write-in | 1,739 | 0.04% | N/A | ||
Total votes | 4,133,342 | 100.0% | N/A | ||
Republican hold |
- Vance, J. D. (2016). Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis. New York: Harper. ISBN 978-0-06-230054-6. LCCN 2016304613. OCLC 952097610.
- Vance, J. D. (September 24, 2024). Foreword. Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America. By Roberts, Kevin. Broadside Books. ISBN 978-0-06-335350-3.[211]
- ^ Vance was named James Donald Bowman at birth. Afterward, he was adopted by his mother’s third husband and had his name changed to James David Hamel. In April 2013, he adopted his maternal grandparents’ surname of Vance.[1]
- ^ According to archived captures of the websites, by April 28, 2021, the domain was put on sale by
In August 2022 the Ohio Democratic Party set up a website called Our Ohio Ripoff,[58] and from late August[59] to early November 2022, the domain Renewal redirected the user to the domain Ripoff.[60]
In July 2024, the domain remains for sale, and the website remains online.
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External links
- JD Vance official US Senate website
- Campaign website
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- J.D. Vance at PolitiFact