2024 OH 13 – US House Race

2024 OH 13 – US House Race


The 2024 United States House District 13 election in Ohio will be held on November 5, 2024.  The seat is currently held by Emilia Sykes.

The two leading candidates are Emilia Sykes – Democrat and Kevin Coughlin – Republican.

OnAir Post: 2024 OH 13 – US House Race


Kevin Coughlin wins Republican spot
Akron Beacon Journal, Bryce BuyakieMarch 19, 2024

Voters throughout Summit County, parts of Stark County and a sliver of Portage County on Tuesday chose Kevin Coughlin as the 13th Congressional District Republican candidate they want to run in the November election.

Coughlin took an early lead in the three-way race and ended up beating his closest competitor by about 22,500 votes.

He had 39,088 votes compared to Chris Banweg’s 16,583 and Richard Morckel’s 4,451, according to unofficial results.

He finished first in all three counties, receiving about 67% of the vote in Summit, 62% in Stark and 65% in Portage.

He will face U.S. Rep. Emilia Sykes, D-Akron, in the fall.



The 13th district includes most of the Akron-Canton population corridor, taking in all of Summit County and parts of Portage and Stark Counties. The incumbent is Democrat Emilia Sykes, who was elected with 52.68% of the vote in 2022.

Ohio’s 13th congressional district


Total Raised and Spent

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Source: Open Secrets


SourceRankingAs of
Cook Political Report[30]TossupMarch 5, 2024
Inside Elections[31]Tilt DMarch 1, 2024
Sabato’s Crystal Ball[32]TossupFebruary 28, 2024
Elections Daily[33]Lean DFebruary 5, 2024
CNalysis[34]Lean DMarch 12, 2024

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Emilia Sykes

Current Position: US Representative of OH 13th District since 2023
Affiliation: Democrat
Former Position:  Ohio House of Representatives 34th district from 2015 to 2022 & Minority Leader from 2019 to 2021
District:  portions of the Akron area.
Upcoming Election:

Sykes grew up in the Akron area and is the daughter of state senator Vernon Sykes and former state representative Barbara Sykes, who successively held the same seat from 1982 to 2014. Between Vernon, Barbara, and Emilia, the Sykes family held the seat for 40 years.

Sykes has served as an administrative adviser in the Summit County fiscal office.[

OnAir Post: Emilia Sykes OH-13

Kevin Coughlin

Kevin J. Coughlin is a former Republican member of the Ohio Senate, who represented the 27th District from 2001 to 2010. He was a member of the Ohio House of Representatives from 1997 until 2000. He served as Clerk of the Stow Municipal Court from 2013 to 2015.

Born: 1970 (age 54 years), Mayfield Heights, OH
Party: Republican Party
Spouse: Anne Coughlin
Candidate for: 2024 Ohio Member of the US House elections
Previous offices: Ohio State Senator (2001–2010), Ohio State Representative (1997–2001)
Education: Bowling Green State University, Woodridge High School

OnAir Post: Kevin Coughlin


Emilia Sykes

Source: Campaign Site


As the Vice-Ranking Member of the important Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, Emilia knows that access to clean water, clean air, and a clean environment is a basic human right—and that we can fight for those rights while also creating good-paying jobs. In Congress, Emilia has supported environmentally friendly policies that support our economy, allow our national parks to thrive, and support native wildlife. By protecting our environment we can maintain a place where our children and families can live a healthy life, enjoy our local natural resources and promote tourism.

Every northeast Ohioan deserves to have their voices heard and votes counted. In Congress, Emilia is fighting to make it easier for our citizens to vote by supporting the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, the Democracy for All Amendment, and the We the People Amendment— and she will hold accountable anyone who attacks the right to a free and fair election, particularly those who advocate violently overthrowing the government, like the attack we saw on the Capitol on January 6th.


As a proud product of public schools in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District, Emilia is working to ensure every child in Northeast Ohio has access to a high-quality education with good teachers and a safe, welcoming environment where they can learn, ask questions, and grow their skills. In Congress, Emilia has co-sponsored the EDUCATORS for America Act and the American Teacher Act to provide students, educators, and schools with the resources they need to support a robust education. Emilia is running for re-election to continue her fight for our kids’ education, and work to ensure that those who wish to continue their education after high school have affordable options that don’t leave them drowning in student loan debt while they’re building a life here in Ohio.

Fair Trade

We must do everything we can to bring good-paying jobs to Northeast Ohio so folks can raise a family and build a life here. Bad trade deals have hurt our economy and our state and we need to invest in the future of our young people and our workers with increased job training and opportunities to grow. In Congress, Emilia has fought to safeguard workers, protect consumers, and promote fair competition. Now, she’s running for re-election to keep jobs from going overseas and continue fighting to bring them back where they belong: Ohio.


The healthcare industry is one of the leading employers in Ohio’s 13th congressional district. Working with our healthcare partners is key to reduce costs of care. All Northeast Ohioans deserve access to quality, affordable healthcare and prescription drugs that won’t break the bank. In Congress, Emilia is pushing to cap the cost of life-saving medications such as insulin, make sure there are affordable long-term care options for Ohioans, and continue her work on eliminating systemic biases that lead to health inequities. One of Emilia’s first bills introduced in Congress, the Mental Health Improvement Act, passed the U.S. House and will expand important mental health resources for Ohioans in the 13th District.


Our immigration system is broken and we need a bipartisan, comprehensive solution that stops ignoring the problem. As the Congresswoman for the 13th District, Emilia visited the border in her first term to see the challenges firsthand and is fighting to ensure our borders are safe and secure, keeping out dangerous drugs and weapons, while also recognizing decency and humanity is required to those who seek the land of opportunity we call home. She is a champion for those who come here legally, pay taxes and play by the rules because they deserve the same rights and protections as everyone else. Additionally, Emilia was a strong advocate for the TRANQ Act that was signed into law to combat the spread of opioids and combat the opioid epidemic that has devastated individuals, families, and communities in Northeast Ohio.

Jobs & Lowering Costs

Ohioans are working harder than ever and shouldn’t be struggling to pay for gas, groceries, housing, and other expenses because of rising costs. That’s why she sponsored the Raise the Wage Act to improve the standard of living for everyday Ohioans and to increase the federal minimum wage to keep up with inflation. Emilia is fighting to put more money in the pockets of Northeast Ohio families through her legislation, the Lower Your Taxes Act, to expand the Earned Income and Child Tax Credits. Emilia has been fighting to bring jobs back to Northeast Ohio and recently introduced the the Bring Jobs Home Act to deter companies from shipping American jobs overseas.

During her time in Congress, Emilia has brought home innovative resources to the 13th congressional district. She secured federal funding for a tech hub and continues to fight for more job opportunities for her constituents. Emilia is a co-sponsor of the National Apprenticeship Act, which will invest more than $3.85 billion to increase access to apprenticeships opportunities.

Organized Labor

Emilia has been working closely with the congressional Labor Caucus to deliver policies the provide better working conditions and keep American jobs from going overseas. She is a co-sponsor and fierce advocate of the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2023, also known as the PRO Act, which will provide American workers the rights and dignity they deserve in the workplace.
Protecting Women’s Right to Healthcare

Women should always have the right to make decisions about their healthcare and reproductive freedom. Whether it’s abortion, birth control, fertility treatment, or breast cancer screenings, the government has no place telling a woman what to do with her body. As a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act and a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, Emilia is fighting against any attempts to criminalize abortion and contraception or punish women and will stand up for victims of rape, incest, and domestic abuse.

Public Safety

Everyone deserves to be safe, and feel safe in their communities. In Congress, Emilia worked with Democrats and Republicans to introduce a bill to improve hiring and retention resources for local law enforcement. Emilia is continuing her fight to ensure law enforcement has the resources they need to protect and serve the communities where they work while ensuring there is accountability and trust within the community through meaningful criminal justice reform efforts.


Too often our seniors are ignored or taken advantage of and we need to allow them to age with dignity in their own homes on their own terms. In Congress, Emilia is fighting to hold those who target seniors for fraud schemes accountable, allow Medicare to negotiate to lower the cost of prescription drugs and use those savings to expand Medicare benefits to cover vision, hearing, and dental services for seniors. She is a strong supporter of the Inflation Reduction Act, which capped the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients at $35 a month and is committed to lowering costs for all. Emilia co-sponsored the Social Security 2100 Act to protect and extend benefits for seniors, and to ensure the program has the resources it needs to last for years to come. While extremists in Congress have proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, Emilia has been clear: she will always fight to protect and expand benefits, ensuring all can retire with safety and dignity.

Kevin Coughlin

Source: Campaign Site

The mission is simple. Keep the people who are committing crimes away from law-abiding citizens. It’s time to throw out the politicians whose soft-on-crime policies have helped create this deadly and dangerous crime surge. Kevin supports our police and worked tirelessly in the Ohio legislature protect children and the victims of domestic abuse by giving law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges the tools they need to keep our communities safe. He will fight for border patrol agents, first responders, and law enforcement officers. Kevin will work to coordinate federal, state, and local efforts to combat drug and human trafficking, homelessness, and addiction.

Kevin is the candidate in this race who has walked the walk when it comes to responsible spending. Kevin helped pass balanced budgets in Ohio that generated surplus revenue. In Congress, he will advocate for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget to get America’s fiscal house in order. He will work to hold the line on the Biden administration’s 40-year-high inflation so that everyday expenses for Ohioans are brought under control.

As a small business owner, Kevin understands what we need: a more competitive tax rate and less unnecessary red tape. Kevin is a five-time Watchdog of the Treasury Award winner. He has signed the pledge to oppose any attempts to raise taxes on Americans. In Ohio, he led efforts to cut the income tax, eliminate the estate tax, and he held the line against tax hikes. Letting Ohioans keep more of their hard-earned money allows them to save, invest, and spend to meet their needs, and start to grow a business.

Congress has given away much of its power to the executive agencies over the span of our lifetime. It’s time to reel in the bureaucrats. Kevin will be a warrior against wasteful spending and abuse. It begins with passing regular budgets, rather than continuing spending resolutions that do nothing but empower the bureaucrats and drive up the deficit. Kevin will advocate for greater Congressional oversight of the administrative state so that agencies are following the intent of the people’s elected representatives.

The Biden administration’s open borders are allowing drug cartels and human smugglers to flood into the country, bringing illicit drugs and crime into communities across the United States, and opening us up to the risk of terrorism. Kevin will work to secure the border and close loopholes that allow illegal immigrants who commit a crime to escape justice. A path to citizenship for people who came here illegally is unacceptable.

Kevin’s record on education is clear. He was on the ground floor of the parents’ rights movement in Ohio, helping to establish choice scholarships and sponsoring Ohio’s special education scholarship so that kids with special needs can go to the schools that best fits their needs. He will be a voice for kids and parents in Washington.

Lake Erie and our Great Lakes notably provide pristine recreational opportunities, but they play a vital role in our economy. Kevin will work to protect our Great Lakes for future generations while strengthening both the ecology and the economy of these incredible resources.

Defending our Constitution is the foremost responsibility of any Member of Congress. As the size of government grows, the American people are rightly concerned about its interference in our lives. Kevin will always ensure Congress is acting as a check and balance to protect the freedoms and liberties that we hold dear.

Kevin grew up with his World War II veteran grandfather in the home. Anne’s grandfather was shot down over Europe and escaped from the Nazis after being taken prisoner. In the Ohio Senate, he chaired the State & Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee where he prioritized health care and long-term care for our veterans, including building a new veterans home in the state. Additionally, he helped secure funding for the construction of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., where Ohio honor flights frequently take place. In Congress, Kevin will fight fraud and wasteful spending that weakens military readiness and takes away resources for our men and women in uniform. He will work toward prompt and quality health care through the VA and to provide choice to veterans. And he will work to improve mental health care services for veterans, and resources to help them integrate into civilian life.

Kevin is committed to American energy independence. He will promote policies that boost domestic energy production, lowering costs for Ohio families and businesses. By supporting oil, gas, and renewable energy projects, Kevin aims to create jobs and drive economic growth in Northeast Ohio. He will fight against overregulation that hinders energy development, ensuring a stable energy supply and securing our nation’s future. Kevin’s vision is clear: American energy dominance that benefits our communities and strengthens our national security.

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